How to Keep Pizza Warm

Love pizza but hate it cold pizza ? We get it. Can’t enjoy your slice of pizza cold ?, How to keep pizza warm? A serious question for pizza lovers.

Learn the right way to keep your pizza warm for that perfect, delicious slice. Mastering this skill saves time, especially during pizza parties. It may seem like work at first, but it’s totally worth it.

Discover effective methods to keep it warm. Impress your friends and family with your kitchen skills—it’s easier than you think! Check out these tips to keep your pizza warm

How to Keep Pizza Warm FAQ’s

How to keep pizza warm in the oven ?

Keeping food warm at a party can be tricky. Sometimes, people leave the food out in the open for a while before eating, and there’s no proper way to keep it warm. Here is what you can do:

Keep pizza warm for 1.5 hours or longer, aluminum foil is a great method.

  • Wrap each piece individually in aluminum foil
  • Turn on the oven to 400 °F , and bake for 10 minutes on the middle rack.

Wrapping each slice in aluminum foil will help the pizza stay hot. If the pizza slices get cold when your guests arrive, heat them in the oven at 400 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil and serve your guests piping hot pizza.

How long can I keep pizza warm in the oven?

If you opt to place your pizza in the oven to keep it warm, bear in mind not to leave it beyond three hours. The oven will keep the pizza hot for up to three hours.

We recommended warming pizzas around 200°F and to use the box, keep it at 140-150°C for 30 Minutes.


Never put the pizza in the oven with the cardboard box because it could catch fire!

How do you keep pizza warm without an oven?

Is your oven broken? Do not panic; you can still keep your pizza warm. Follow the steps below:

  • As soon as you take your pizza delivery, open the box and allow the steam to disperse.
  • Shut the box and make sure that the air vents are open.
  • Position the box with the pizza inside on a small blanket or heavy towel.
  • Fold the sides of the towel over the box, covering it completely. If you think you need more insulation, you can use two towels positioned at right angles to each other and then folded over.

How do you keep pizza warm at a picnic?

If going for a weekend picnic, you can bring your favorite pizza with you and enjoy it hot. To achieve this, your safe bet is to use an insulated bag.

Manufacturers create insulated pizza bags using water and heat-proof materials, ensuring they insulate and keep food warm. Bags also feature interior grommets that release steam, helping to keep pizza dry but warm.

Wrap each slice in aluminum foil to retain heat without making the pizza base soggy.

Stack up the slices in your insulated pizza bag and bring them along on your outdoor adventure.

How to Keep Pizza Warm

Method 1: Pizza stone

  1. Place the pizza stone inside the oven.
  2. Always preheat the oven to 200°F. And leave the stone for 30–40 minutes.
  3. You’ve to make it hot enough to preserve the heat so that it can circulate when the pizza is on top.
  4. Now place your pizza on it and turn off the heat.

It also washes easily, so after a soapy sponge and rinse, your oven pizza stone will look as good as new.

How to Keep Pizza Warm: Heritage Pizza Stone

Method 2: Skillet or frying pan

  1. Place the pizza in the pan. Place the pan on a stove with high heat.
  2. Heat it for 2 to 3 minutes. Your goal is to keep the bottom crispy. But prevent it from burning.
  3. Change the stove to medium heat. Wait until the sauce gets hot, and the cheese melts.
  4. If you’re having trouble melting the cheese, you can put on a lid too. In that case, try to keep the head within medium to low.

Method 3: Microwave

  1. Take a microwave-proof dish for your pizza.
  2. Put the slices on the dish. Remember to keep space in between. Could you not make them too close?
  3. Fill a mug with some water. Place the mug nearby the dish or down the plate. The water will evaporate. This way the crust remains moist.
  4. Set the power to 50 to 60 percent.
  5. Heat in 40 to 50 s intervals. This way you’ll have more control over the process.

Additional tips to keep pizza warm

  • If you’re keeping your pizza in the oven for more than an hour, put a cup of water under the rack with the pizza. Leave it there for five minutes. This will keep the pizza warm and sufficiently moist.
  • Lower the risk of harmful bacteria and keep food at a safe temperature of 140°F or higher. Do not leave pizza out at room temperature for more than 1.5 hours.
  • Allowing the steam to stay inside the pizza boxes is why home-delivered pizza often acquires that taste.

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Anne is a passionate home cook who loves finding creative ways to keep her meals warm and delicious. She has been experimenting with different methods for keeping food warm for years, and now she's sharing her knowledge with the world through
Photo of author
Anne is a passionate home cook who loves finding creative ways to keep her meals warm and delicious. She has been experimenting with different methods for keeping food warm for years, and now she's sharing her knowledge with the world through